Character: Emrys Taverdaer
Series: Baldur's Gate 3
Emrys fled their work of harvesting pixies in the Underdark to instead aid them on the surface. In hope of repaying their debt to the fae, they made a pact with the Faerie Queen Titania under the condition that they would use their power to protect her creatures.
Perhaps they will gain her favour when they finish up with their wild, tadpole-based gap-year.
Why this Character?
Emrys is my partner and I's shared player character (or 'Tav' - as they were colloquially known!).
There's no audience for this. Nobody else is going to make a costume for it. In other words, this is my bread and butter. Of course I'm going to do it.
ACME Autumn 2024 - September 2024
A collection of photos taken around the convention grounds. Astarion is portrayed by @flowerfaeriecosplays on Instagram.