Code Name:

Agent Costumes

File Name:

Highly Classified (Nice Try.)

Primary Costuming Specialty:


Secondary Costuming Specialty:


I'm a cosplayer with a focus on sewing and a passion for bringing characters to life. My dream is to put together a large-scale skit someday. My greatest weakness is that my designs are often over ambitious and I'm the poor soul that has to sit and make them.

Why the Website?

This site serves as a personal archive for costumes that I have worked on over the years.

Frankly, it is my opinion that there is no good platform for cosplay on the web currently. Social media not only encourages competition and numbers analysis, but also shrink, crops and compresses your beloved photos. That's no way to enjoy a hobby.

I hope that this website will inspire other cosplayers to archive their work outside of social media, wherever that may be.